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June News
Wednesday Worship, 2.30pm monthly, starts 26 June
Casting the Net
Wokingham Methodist Church Community News.
Autumn 2024 | 1,176Kb .pdf file |
Sunday Worship
Sunday 15 September
10.30am Morning Worship - Mrs Maggy Garton
Future worship and recorded services are on this page.
Forthcoming Events
Sunday 13 October
Harvest Lunch after the morning service
Booking sheet available in the Foyer
Weekly Pastoral Letter - 13 September 2024
A Reflection from Malcolm Ray-Smith
Our grandson Harry left school at sixteen and continued his education at a college in Cirencester where he met Abi, and they soon became a twosome. He came from Swindon, she from Cheltenham. After college Harry trained as an instructor in outdoor pursuits but the arrival of Covid brought a halt to schools sending groups to activity centres, so he soon found himself out of work and had various short-term jobs until he joined the Royal Engineers as a Sapper and stationed near Barnstaple. Abi began work in a solicitor’s office before going to University in Plymouth to train as a speech therapist and is due to finish her course by the end of July this year.
Harry and Abi’s friendship flourished, and they engaged and the family celebrated their wedding on 8th August 2024, so our daughters suggested a shopping day to include their mother to buy outfits and they chose to go to Windsor. When they returned, I was treated to a display of their acquisitions and told about a Menswear shop in Windsor with a colourful display of Jackets.
Anne and I went to Marks and Spencer’s at Camberley, and they had extensive ranges of Jackets but none that appealed to me. Subsequently on a hot day we went to Bracknell and in the first shop found one that both of us liked but they did not have my size, so a very helpful lady checked if what I wanted was in their warehouse - but none were left. So we visited other shops but saw nothing as nice as the one that had sold out! On a visit to Windsor, we went to the shop that my daughters had recommended – and at last I found what I was looking for.
I was reminded of the encouragement of Jesus to persevere in seeking!
Malcolm Ray-Smith
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Weekly Pastoral Letter - 6 September 2024
from Revd Catherine Bowstead
Dear Friends,
Do you detect a change in the air as Autumn begins? The relaxed days of summer are over, the new school term has begun, and regular routines begin once more. It’s good that our regular activities resume after their summer break. People often see September has a good time to make a positive change to learn a new skill or take up a beneficial habit. Perhaps you’ve decided to use the Methodist Prayer Handbook to bring some structure to your prayer life or to visit www.methodist.org.uk/a-word-in-time for a daily Bible reading and reflection. Don’t forget that we have a weekly prayer group each Tuesday morning and a fortnightly Bible Study Group – further details are in the Notices.
Have you thought some more about your “home” and “growth” stations in A Methodist Way of Life? I would be particularly keen to hear from anyone who has “flourish” or “tell” as their home station and who would be willing to share their enthusiasm with others. This might help our church community become more eco aware and more proactive in our evangelism.
The Sunday Lectionary over the next few weeks takes us through the letter of James which is full of practical and challenging wisdom. This week’s reading (James 2: 1-17) offers challenges about showing favouritism and following the Royal Law. In our evening Communion Service, we will be looking in more detail at the Gospel reading (Mark 7: 24-30). This is the account of Jesus’ encounter with a woman of Syrophoenician origin and raises some interesting questions for us.
I hope that you have a good week,
With every blessing
Some previous Pastoral Letters are available here.