Bible Study Group

Meets: 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month in the Bradbury Centre (John) at 10:30
Contact: Malcolm Ray-Smith

We meet on the second and fourth Thursday of each month.  We completed looking at the Letter to Hebrew Christians by reading a chapter at each meeting and discussing how we relate the writing to our present circumstances.  After Hebrews we spent a number of sessions studying Hosea which we found very challenging.  As Barclays Bank are now renting a room, we have moved to John and have chosen Paul's letter to the Romans to consider next.

We meet at 10.30 am in John, led by Rosi Morgan-Barry, John Williams and myself, and would gladly welcome others to join us.

Malcolm Ray-Smith
March 2024


Prayer Group

Meets: Every Tuesday at the Church (in John) at 10:30
Contact: Rosi MorganBarry

The prayer group members 'meet' every Tuesday at 10.30 am in John to pray for people and situations we had each heard about.  

The need for prayer remains as great as ever, and continues to reach us in various ways, so that the start of each meeting is a discussion of such concerns as come through the media, individual contacts, the church notices and messages from friends and families.  Prayer requests can also be left in the small prayer box situated just inside the meeting place, or via the prayer email link:

Our prayers are often wide-ranging and can cover news reports of national or international problems to the needs of our church family to personal worries and anxieties.  We try always to begin with thanks, often for prayers answered, and we are very conscious that although we may be only two or three (or seven or eight) gathered together, God is with us, hears and responds to all our prayers, both spoken and unspoken.

Rosi MorganBarry
March 2024