Creative SpiritCreative Spirit

First Wednesday of each month, 10am - 12noon

Creative Spirit was set up (in September 2019) as a way to encourage those not familiar with our more traditional style of worship to explore the Christian faith.  This monthly gathering (held on the first Wednesday) in the Main Hall offers a different and more informal approach to worship using the many and varied creative gifts God has given us.  We welcome all denominations, people of faith and none.

Following a short time of more formal worship we spend the morning exploring God’s word through various creative activities.  We display our outcomes in Café Mosaic, on the display shelves and in ‘The Coffee Book’.

New faces are always welcome whether you can stay for the whole morning (10am to noon) or just for a short while.

Contact: Christine Morgan

Wednesday 4th September

We will be exploring the Fruits of the Spirit at our monthly creative worship mornings over the coming months.  Meeting on the first Wednesday of the month from 10-12noon, we look forward to welcoming any who are interested in exploring faith in a relaxed, creative way.

Report (February 2024)

A very small group met for the first Creative Spirit session of 2024.  Following our Autumn exploration of Elijah’s experience in the wind, earthquake and fire (1 Kings 19), we used our January meeting as an opportunity to be silent and ready to hear ‘the still, small voice of calm’.  After a short time of worship, we worked on some drawing and some embroidery in the quiet of the morning.  It was very much appreciated after the busy-ness of Christmas!

Tempestuous SeasWe used our February meeting as an opportunity to prepare for Lent.  The creative writers focused on the ash used on Ash Wednesday, and using the words of James Edmonston’s hymn, ‘Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us’, some wonderful images of the ‘world’s tempestuous seas’ were produced.

Christine Morgan


Wednesday Worship

Monthly, 2.30pm

A short time of familiar and nostalgic worship and singing for all.

Next dates: 18th September, 16th October, 13th November.


Fresh Start!

Breakfast Church - Special Festival events only, 9 - 10.30am

We welcome everyone from passers-by to those with strong life-long faith to share stories, spirituality and friendships.  After breakfast including ‘Muffin of the Month’ we will be following a bible story and will have different areas for people to join depending on how they are feeling or where they are on their faith journey.  These might be a bible study, some creative writing or a craft or just a quiet time of prayer.  The most important thing is that everyone feels at ease and comfortable no matter where they are on their faith journey and that they feel safe and welcome and able to ask questions without embarrassment or judgement.  Most of all ‘Fresh Start’ will be good fun for everyone.  It will be for individuals or entire families and will be a truly intergenerational experience.

We are no longer meeting on a monthly basis. We now hold special festival events at different times throughout the year.

If you would like to know more about any of our activities or feel called to help in any way then please do get in touch.

Contact: Claire Knight

We held one of our special breakfast church sessions on Saturday 10th February, when we enjoyed pancakes and looked at the Methodist material for Lent this year, ‘Unbounded Love’.

We also held another devotional breakfast church on Good Friday with prayerful activities for all ages prior to the Churches Together event in Peach Place.