WWDP LogoWorld Day of Prayer

10.30am Friday 1st March 2024 at Woosehill:

'I beg you... bear with one another in love'

WDPPalestine2024Previously the Women's World Day of Prayer, this is a global event where every country around the world takes part in the same service on the same day.  Each year the service is written by women of a different country; the service for 2024 was prepared by ecumenical Christian Palestinian women with the theme “I beg you... bear with one another in love”.

This program calls us to bear with each other in love, despite all difficulties and oppression.  It was written in response to the passage from Ephesians 4:1-7. The writers reflected collectively on this theme from the context of their suffering as Palestinian Christian women.  They hope to inspire other women around the world to bear with one another in love during troubled times.

In these verses, Paul encourages the Ephesians to live a sanctified life, bearing with one another in humility and love in order to maintain the gift of unity that God had given them.  Paul reminds the Ephesians that God chose both Gentiles and Jews to be saved, bringing together people of very different backgrounds through the shared promise guaranteed by Christ to all the members of his church.  Paul urges the Ephesians to live a life worthy of the calling they received, as people united with one another through Christ’s saving work.

This calling is not easy.  It requires patience, self-denial, and love.  Paul reminds the Ephesians to be united in one spirit by the hope they share in Christ.  And so, we Christians spread throughout the world, can also find our unity and hope in this text.

In Wokingham, churches take turns to host the World Day of Prayer Service.  This year it will be at Woosehill Church, Chestnut Avenue, Woosehill, RG41 3RS, at 10.30am on Friday 1st March.  Refreshments will be seved after the service.  All were welcome to this ecumenical service.

More information:   worlddayofprayer.net/palestine-2024    www.wwdp.org.uk

Artwork: Halima Aziz

WWDP LogoWorld Day of Prayer

10.30am Friday 3rd March 2023 at St Paul's

'I have heard about your faith'

WDPVanuatu2021Previously the Women's World Day of Prayer, this is a global event where every country around the world takes part in the same service on the same day.  Each year the service is written by women of a different country; the service for 2023 was prepared by Christian Women of Taiwan with the theme “I have heard about your faith”.

The theme is based on Ephesians 1:15-19, the letter sent to a faith community to express gratitude.  Paul gave thanks to God for the Ephesians living out their love and faith, and prayed that they could see these three truths: the hope to which God has called the disciples, the riches of God’s glorious inheritance among the saints, and the immeasurable greatness of God’s power.

In Wokingham, churches take turns to host the World Day of Prayer Service and in 2023 it was the turn of St Paul's Church, Reading Road.  All were welcome to this ecumenical service, which was followed by refreshments at the rear of the church.

More information:   https://worlddayofprayer.net/taiwan-2023    www.wwdp.org.uk

Artwork: Hui-Wen HSAIO